The Dillon Christian School Warriors boys and girls basketball team each fell to The Byrnes School Trojans on Tuesday.
The Warriors fell 72-51 to the Trojans as the Trojans outscored them in every period – 18-16, 20-13, 16-9, and 18-13.
Shaq Bacote earned a game-high 30 points for the Trojans, with Dyeshawn Jones adding 18 and Justin Robinson earning 17. Bryson Davis added four; Jay Hunt, two; and Kalin Brown, one.
Kin Melvin led the Warriors with a team-high 16 points. Neil Melvin added 12 and Will Brown added 11, with Taylor Davis earning seven and Matthew Price adding five.
The Lady Warriors fell to the Lady Trojans 40-21, with the Byrnes School nearly doubling Dillon Christian school in ever period: 12-6, 13-7, 5-4, and 10-4.
Meghan Osborne earned a game-high 21 points for the Lady Trojans. Amy Galloway scored eight points; Kirkland Dickson earned six; Rosi Clanton scored four; Logan Gibbs earned two, and Cierra Kaiser added one point in the region win.
Lauren Lee led the Lady Warriors with eight points, and Kylee Sullivan added six. Amanda Bass and Kathryn Brown each added two.
The Lady Warriors now have an 0-6 overall record and an 0-1 record in SCISA Region 4-AA. The Warriors are 0-5 overall and 0-1 in the region.
Last year the Lady Warriors finished 2-16. They lost two key players this season, Morgan Graham and Amber Wiggins, but returned five starters. Coach Lanny Carpenter says the team has excellent chemistry and believes they can be competitive in region play as the season progresses.
Dillon Christian was originally scheduled to take on Lake View on Friday, but will now host Emmanuel Baptist beginning with junior varsity action at 4:00 p.m. On Tuesday, the Warriors will host Williamsburg Academy beginning with j.v. action at 4p.m.