By Betsy Finklea
Several matters were taken up at the Dillon County Council’s regular meeting on Wednesday.
Five public hearings on ordinances were held, but no one spoke at any of them. The public hearings were on the following: 1) An ordinance to amend the joint county industrial park with Marion County dated April 1, 2007 (Add Franco, Montone, and Diversified Plastics); 2) Ordinance to develop joint county industrial park with Marion County (Mohawk Building); 3) Ordinance to authorize fee-in-lieu and certain credits for “Project Casings”; 4) Ordinance authorizing fee-in-lieu and certain credits for “Project Purple Petal”; and 5) Ordinance authorizing fee-in-lieu and certain credits for “Project Squeeze.”
Dr. Ron Bartley spoke to the Dillon County Council about the entrepreneurship fund at Northeastern Technical College. A businessman gave $25,000 to start the fund. He has also pledged an additional $25,000 to match donations made from the community. The grant will be available to NETC students and alumni in pursuing a business venture or to help in the development of an existing business. Applications are available on their website.
The possible new law enforcement center was discussed. County Administrator Clay Young said that Bill Clark from Carter Goble Lee Companies, who built the current detention center, had been asked for a proposal. He said they were now at the point that if he is going to move forward he needs a contract. The motion was approved.
The river cleaning bids were next on the agenda. It was noted that the state had already committed to funds. The bid was awarded to B.J. Sturgeon. He has divided the project into seven sections-Harllee’s Bridge to Norton’s Landing, Norton’s Landing to Hwy. 301 North, Hwy. 301 North to Hwy. 9, Hwy. 9 to the Old State Park, the Old State Park to Floyd Dale, Floyd Dale to Carmichael’s Bridge, and Carmichael’s Bridge to Hwy. 41.
The bids on the recycling building were the next item taken up. Only one bid was received. It was from Miller’s Plumbing and Electric for $25,000 and no taxes for this year. Attorney Ken Dubose told council that under the proposal they had the right to accept, reject, or negotiate. Councilman Archie Scott asked if the building had been appraised. Young said the building had not been appraised. Councilman Andrew “Deboy” Graves said he appreciated the bid, but he felt that this would be giving it away and this would not be right for the taxpayers. After discussion, the council approved a motion to reject the bid.
A bid was also opened on the recreation concession stand. Three bids were received. The winning bid was from Brenda Clements for $1,678. The council approved the bid.
The council heard a proposal for the work on the courthouse grounds from Taylor Garden Shop. After some discussion, Councilman Bobby Moody made a motion to table the matter and see if they can get more bids.
Sheriff Major Hulon and Tom Dees appeared before council to discuss a possible Sheriff’s substation in Oak Grove. Sheriff Major Hulon said Dees had contacted him months ago about a substation in the Oak Grove area. He said he supported this idea and in the future, if possible, he would like to sit down and discuss this with the budget committee. He said the reoccurring cost concerned him. Dees said he thought that Oak Grove could serve as a pilot model for each district and said they need the council’s help. He said Tonny McNeil, Dillon County Economic Development Director, had ideas about grants and funding. McNeil said his office was asked to help find a suitable location. McNeil said he fully supported the idea, and his office stood ready to assist with finding funding, etc. A long back and forth discussion between council and the presenters followed. Among the concerns expressed by council were the estimated cost to build the substation and
associated start-up costs, the reoccurring costs, and whether the manpower was available to staff the substation. Councilman Graves was very vocal about the fact that there was no plan, no land, and no money. Sheriff Hulon said the purpose of coming before council was to introduce the idea. Dees said they were trying to sell council on the concept. Finally, Chairman Aron Gandy cut off the discussion saying they needed to move on and that Sheriff Hulon and Dees could come back to the building committee.
In other action:
-The council approved employing Arcadis Engineering Services for a proposal for the C&D landfill vertical expansion. Councilman Harold Moody said the solid waste committee thinks the vertical expansion is the right thing to do.
-The council approved land options between Dan Rogers, and Dillon County as to the Dan Rogers Industrial Site and authorization of execution of options.
-The council discussed the possible purchase of the Hamer Convenience Site from the C. Forestry Commission.
-The council passed the third reading of ordinance to amend the joint county industrial park with Marion County dated April 1, 2007 (Add Franco, Montone, and Diversified Plastics). Young said that this will enable them to have more latitude for potential development and grants.
-The council tabled the third reading of an ordinance to authorize fee-in-lieu and certain credits for “Project Casings.”
-The council passed the second reading of an ordinance authorizing fee-in-lieu and certain credits for “Project Purple Petal.” It was noted that this was the expansion of an existing industry. It was stated that this was the same incentive through tax credits based on the fee-in-lieu agreement. This is a 25 percent special source revenue credit for five years. It was pointed out that this was a tax credit only.
-The council passed the second reading of an ordinance authorizing fee-in-lieu and certain credits for “Project Squeeze.” It was noted that this was for a new industry in the Lake View area. This is a six percent assessment and a 45 percent special source revenue tax credit.
-The council passed the Fair Housing Resolution.
-The council amended the Dillon County Personnel and Procedures policy concerning the grievance committee quorum. This makes a quorum a majority.

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