This is a test.  After reading the 3 situations reported below, which in your opinion would have received the greatest joy from having received the stated prize?
Situation A:  The holder of the lucky lottery ticket has just learned that he has just won a million dollars.
Situation B:  The athlete, who has trained for years to be the best in the world in her competition, wins the Olympic gold medal.
Situation C:  The nine year old girl has loved horses all her life and for Christmas, her dream comes true.
 The answer would depend of course on the responder, but one could argue the greatest joy would be, hands down, the little girl who opens her eyes on Christmas morning to see standing outside her bedroom window, the dream of her life: her very own horse. Since she was old enough to identify a horse, she has had a love affair with one.  Anytime there is one on television, she is totally entranced by its beauty.  When allowed to select a book, it is always about a horse.  If she has a choice of having a poster in her room, it is invariable one of a horse.  When she writes a letter to Santa, she has only one wish, a horse. When she is given an opportunity to participate in ‘show and tell ‘in her class at school,  everyone knows what her subject will be.  She fantasizes about horses and has already selected a name for her first one: Dixie.  
This past Christmas she had written to Santa about her wish as her parents and her grandparents have urged her to do, and she hoped that this is the year when Santa was going to come through.  In fact, she had  had a letter in her mailbox directly from Santa reminding her that bringing her a horse might be difficult since he only has reindeer but hope springs eternal. 
 Christmas morning arrived and she hurriedly opened the wrapped gifts underneath the Christmas tree, some with a horse theme.  While she was grateful; still she shared her disappointment with her Grandpa who just happened to come by becuase she had hoped Santa would grant her wish. But Grandpa whispered in her ear that Santa has left her another gift outside.  Could it be what she has always wanted?
Grandpa led her to the nearby barn behind the house and when he opened the door, there it was.  Could it be that Santa did not forget after all?  Standing quietly in the stall was the future equine joy of her life: Dixie.  And just how did she express her joy? She was so happy that she cried, the ultimate expression of the intensity of the moment.  By now other family members were present to share in the exhilaration.     
Dixie is a ten year old retired Tennessee walking horse whose gentle nature is perfect for her new master.  Already the horse is being spoiled morning and night with sugar cubes and carrots taken gently from the hands of this angelic owner.  Daily she holds the rope to the halter and both walk around the pasture getting to know each other.  Too, no one is any longer surprised to see Dixie taking part in a new experience.  She is being read to daily by this 3rd grader whose love for her Christmas gift grows greater each day. 
Yes, indeed there is a Santa Claus.
 Another question might be: Who is happier now, the little girl or Dixie?

Bill Lee, PO Box 128, Hamer, SC 29547

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