By Station Nine Chief Larry Cox, President
On April 4th we held our monthly Fire Chiefs Meeting at B& C Steakhouse.
Those present were: FF Mitchell Gardener and Asst. Chief Eric Weatherford of Station 2, Chief Ray McCormick of Floyd Dale, Chief Jimmy Jackson & Captain Jason Jackson of Station 5, Chief Larry Cox, Asst. Chief Terry and FF Linda Weichel of Station 9.
Chief Jimmy Jackson and Captain Jason Jackson of Station 5 presented a very informative program on water supply. They stressed water supply not water shuttle. Chief Jackson showed those present a hose holder that will help make the tankers in Dillon Co. more compatible with each other. It was suggested for each station to get one. Whether it is called water shuttle or water supply the tankers can be used together to achieve ISO’s requirement of 250 gallons per minute.
Captain Jackson talked about fire hydrants and that the colors indicated the flow in gallons per minute. Red = 500 gpm or less, Orange = 500 to 999 gpm, Green = 1000 to 1499 gpm and Light Blue = 1500 gpm or greater, he also pointed out that we could use water from pools and other static sources that are at times over looked. The consensus was that we could and should work together as fire departments.
A good meal was enjoyed by all with no other business meeting was adjourned.
Fire Chiefs Association Meets
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