Dear Editor:
On Friday, August 9th, 2013, I received The Dillon Herald by mail (issue August 8th). I started reading and when I got to page 4A, I noticed two letters to the editor. When I read the letters written by Mr. McColl and Mr. Vance, I became very upset-to the point of being angry.
You see, on that same day I spent several hours with the County Treasurer, Jamie Calhoun-Estes, the County Administrator, Clay Young and the Editor of The Dillon Herald, Betsy Finklea, discussing this subject that has caused such a stir. It is obvious to me that all these people know their jobs inside and out and they all do them well.
After confirming information through these sources, I headed home to start my own letter to the editor. Before I could start, I read the above mentioned letters. It was at this point that I became so upset and here is why: Mr. McColl and Mr. Vance beat me to it! They hit on several points that I was already stewing about!
On the front page of the July 30th issue of this paper, the headline reads “COUNTY COUNCIL CHAIRMAN NOT GIVING UP ON BANK STATEMENTS.” If that is what is important to you, Mr. Scott, you don’t have to give up on them—however, you may want to give up on the idea that they will be served to you.
I was able to take time out of my schedule and drive to the Treasurer’s office. I asked to speak to Mrs. Estes (without an appointment). She did not hesitate to take me into her office and answer any questions I had.
When I asked her about the infamous bank statements and what had to be done to see them, she told me all anyone had to do was ask. I did and she handed July’s statement to me to look over and asked me if I had any questions she could answer. It was that easy!
I also visited Mr. Young’s office (again without an appointment, and he gladly took the time to answer any questions I had. I will begin by saying that when Mr. Young took this difficult job in 2001, Dillon County was practically bankrupt. Now the county is probably in the top 5% of financially healthy counties statewide. He provides statements for the council which he is not even required by the State of South Carolina to do. He does this so the council will be well-informed and because he has nothing to hide. He is only interested in the well-being of the people of Dillon County. By observing the actions of the chairman of the council, none of this seems to be important. What is important, it seems, is that Mr. Young hand-deliver these bank statements to Mr. Scott simply because he said to. I feel like Mr. Scott is struggling with a power problem that should not even exist.
There is an abundance of information you can receive if you only ask!
It is time to put the needs of Dillon County first. Business and industry look into the inner workings of a county before they even hint about making investments in it. There are people they will have to work closely with (one being the Dillon County Council). Who can blame them for not taking a second look at us when our chairman is on the front page of the local paper, on the county website, or heaven forbid, even on YouTube sporting a stocking mask or whining about bank statements not being brought to him? If Mr. Scott would think about what could happen if this information got out on the street, he may reconsider his “request”. Not everyone would check it with the good of Dillon County in mind-some people would use it for their own good. Some would help themselves no matter what problems it may cause to others.
I have not attended a Dillon County Council meeting as they are held on the last Wednesday of each month at 4:00pm when I (and many others) are working.
I can, however, have the agenda e-mailed to me (as anyone can), and take a vacation day to see all this for myself in person.
Of course, the agenda is worthless if the chairman decides to strike a person off the list if he does not want to hear what they have to say. This has happened under Mr. Scott’s term as chairman. So much for Freedom of Speech and accountability to the taxpayers of Dillon County (who are paying the chairman to do this job – and paying him more than the other council members).
There is a light at the end of this very long, very dark tunnel: a new chairman will be elected by the council in January. If I count correctly and base my opinion on what I have been hearing, that chairman will not be Mr. Archie Scott.
Jacquelyn S. (Lisa) Matthews
Dillon, SC
Thoughts On The County Council Chairman
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