By Kim Brown
Dillon Christian School honored Veterans Day on Monday, November 11th.
The program began with the student body and guests pledging allegiance to the flag. Upon completion of the pledges, a beautiful selection of patriotic music, entitled United We Stand, was presented to the many guests and student body by the K5-5th grades.
The musical program was directed by Mrs. Nancy Pierce, one of the faculty members of Dillon Christian School. After the much enjoyed presentation of music, Mrs. Shelley Bethea introduced the guest speaker, Staff Sergeant Charles Berry.
Staff Sergeant Berry joined the Air Force at the age of 19. He served in active duty from June 1968-June 1972. He specialized in weapons, munitions, and high explosives, eventually attaining a top secret security clearance. Staff Sergeant Berry also served on a tour in Vietnam. Upon his completion of his tour in Vietnam, he was stationed at White Sands Air Force Base in New Mexico, where he worked with conventional missiles and nuclear weapons until leaving the military at the age of 23. He has since completed college and pursued a career in the textile industry.
He is now retired and resides with his family in Latta, S.C. We were also honored to have in attendance other men who are currently serving and have served in the military. We are so thankful to all the men and women who serve, and have served our country in an effort to keep our freedoms and protect this wonderful United States of America!
At 12:00 noon that day, the 5th graders were accompanied by Mrs. Nancy Pierce, Mrs. Mary Brown, and Mrs. Rosemary Lewis as they visited The Thorne Nursing Home in Lake View, S.C., and The Pines Nursing Home in Dillon, S.C. They sang some of the patriotic melodies, and spent time visiting with the residents.
This was a day truly filled with many blessings, and a time that everyone reflected and paid honor to all of our Veterans, and gave thanks to God for this great country…The United States of America!
Veterans Day Program Held At DCS
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