New Life Family Worship Center presented Christmas “UNWRAPPED” December 14th and 15th.  Although the weather was a bit frightful, the program was absolutely delightful!
Both nights were held indoors and the audience enjoyed homemade chili and desserts as well as hot cocoa in the fellowship hall following the program.
New Life’s children, adorned with red and white shirts and santa hats, opened the program with a presentation of  a beautiful selection of Christmas carols through song and hand bells. As the comedy unfolded, the audience found themselves at Bob’s Holiday Emporium and in the middle of the mad rush of returns on the day after Christmas. The store clerks were faced with shopper after shopper who were dissatisfied, disgruntled, and disillusioned with practically every aspect of their Christmas experience.  These shoppers returned dinners gone bad, toys, light sets, extra weight gained during Christmas and even entire families.  Laughter rang throughout the air as the stunningly realistic shoppers made their transactions.
Bob, the store owner eventually found the real meaning of Christmas as he visited
“THE MEANING OF CHRISTMAS STORE” and made an exchange. . . He exchanged his old life and old way of thinking for a brand new one.  Following his experience with the Lord, Bob’s heart quickly began to change and wrongs soon were made right.  He rehired the sales clerk, Noelle, that he previously fired because of a difference of opinion.  Bob also introduced her to his new found Savior, Jesus!  The program concluded with the children presenting the nativity scene as Bob and Noelle sang What Child is This. The point:  Don’t sweat the small stuff. . .Absolutely DO treat people the way you want to be treated. . .Take the time to enjoy family and friends this Christmas. . . and never, ever forget the real meaning of CHRISTmas!

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