The Latta School Board of Trustees met for the regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, May 13 in the District Administrative Conference Room.
Trustees present were Kyle Berry, Edward Bethea, Linda James, Betty Jo Johnson, and Kenneth Kitts. Janice Boatwright and Eddie Watson were absent.
Betty Jo Johnson welcomed all present.
Coach Curtis Jackson was recognized and congratulated fro winning the 2014 State A Girls’ Basketball Championship. A motion to award Coach Jackson a bonus for winning the State Championship was made by Kenneth Kitts and seconded by Edward Bethea. The vote was unanimous.
There being no corrections or additions to the April 8, 2014 minutes, Chair Johnson ruled that they stand approved.
Donna Taylor presented the status report for March on the General Fund budget.
A motion was made by Edward Bethea and seconded by Kyle Berry to accept as first reading the 2014-2015 school year general operations budget as presented by Donna Taylor. The vote was unanimous.
Esther Rogers gave the Accreditation Update for the 2013-2014 school year.
George Liebenrood gave an update on the activities and programs at the Latta High School.
Larry Legette gave a facilities update.
Dr. Kirby gave an update on the Latta High School International Baccalaureate trip.
George Liebenrood shared with the Board the plans for graduation.
A motion was made by Edward Bethea and seconded by Kenneth Kitts to approve first reading and waive second reading of Policy EFE.
Upon Dr. Kirby’s recommendation, a motion to accept the resignations of Elizabeth Caskey, Kimberly Griffeth, Cindy McDuffie, and Cheryl Stubbs and to approve the hiring of Meredith Coleman, Beth Hinson, Shavone Manning, Mimi Mudd, Dristin Richards, Courtney Sarvis, and Danielle Watkins was made by Kyle Berry and seconded by Linda James. Vote was unanimous.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned to tour Latta High School.
(Minutes submitted are unofficial until approved at the next month’s regular monthly meeting.)
Latta School Board Meets
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