By Lonnie Turner
Jason has suffered with Muscular Dystrophy since early childhood and has developed a never say quit attitude. Dr. Blum has told us that normally a child with MD seldom lives past his teen years, but with the tender loving care that Jason has been shown by his father and mom, Mrs. Jane, Jason is now in his late 20s.
Because of his attitude, the Kiwanis Club named a special award some years back that is given each year to a youngster in both the Minor and Major Leagues who best fits in the Jason Blum mold. The recipient doesn’t have to be a super athlete, but best typifies the never say quit attitude of Jason.
This year, the coaches picked Alex Jensen of the Ace Hardware Tigers as the recipient of the Jason Blum “Never Say Quit” award, based on his attitude, good manners, and excellent sportsmanship toward his teammates and coaches all season long.