To The Editor:
It is very obvious that there are different opinions on whether the City of Dillon should have taken over the golf course or not. I respectfully disagree with those who didn’t agree with the takeover. I think the City Council and Mayor made a wise decision taking it over and keeping it open. Mayor Davis has proven that he has the knowledge on how businesses operates. It is normal for a corporation, franchise, or any business to set a goal and allow that said business a period of time to turn a profit before shutting it down. It is also normal for some municipalities to own and operate golf courses. If one would look at the whole picture, you can see they went through a well thought out process before making the decision. It didn’t happen overnight. I think the city manager made a wise decision on staffing the golf course. I don’t know any two people in this county who are more qualified to operate it than the ones he chose. I appreciate the county council showing their support by providing compensation to help with the cost.
I just happen to be a member of the Hardee’s Social Club, and you can rest assured this has been a topic on several occasions. Some are for the city’s decision while others are not in favor. Some see it that the decision to keep it open was just for a certain few while it is open to the public for all to enjoy. I would like to compare it to something I see similar.
All of the public boat landings were built, paid for, and are now maintained by taxpayer dollars. Everyone who lives in this county doesn’t own a boat or use these landings. Would it be right to say that these landings were built for a certain group of people while at the same time they are there for all people to enjoy? My opinion is regardless of who benefits from either, it is important for the city and county governments to participate in providing a “QUALITY OF LIFE” for all citizens of this county.
As we think about “QUALITY OF LIFE,” I am pleased how we are blessed to have a Wellness Center of its kind. I have attended several social and governmental meetings there, and we should express a sense of pride for being fortunate enough to have a facility like this in our community.
I am also excited about what is happening with the City of Dillon Recreation Department. This is a tool that also has played a large part in producing a good “QUALITY OF LIFE” for this city. I must plug in that I enjoyed the opportunity I had to go with the 8U Dillon Dixie Darlings and watch them play in a World Series Tournament which was held in Bay St. Louis, Mississippi this past July 26 weekend. These little girls played with energy as if they were playing at a college level or better. I must say the coaches performed in the same manner. There are other teams in other age brackets and leagues within the county who are doing the same. These are lifelong memories for these kids and another good example of these recreation departments providing a good “QUALITY OF LIFE” for the community.
I would like for you to see another side of a demographic walk. We can walk out the courthouse and look to our right. I see a doctor who with a partner came to town fresh out of medical school around the mid- 70’s for the purpose of opening a practice here in Dillon. The doctor’s partner left Dillon after a few years and went to another town while this doctor stayed behind. This doctor got involved in his community and one of the local churches while at the same time providing first class medical attention to the people of the city and county of Dillon. In my opinion, I don’t think he would have stayed or even considered Dillon had it not been for a golf course here. He joined when he first came to Dillon and is still active playing today.
As I look farther down, I see a young married couple in their mid-30’s. The husband is driving down the road in a new Camaro Convertible with his oldest daughter riding with him. He doesn’t have a set of Callaways in the trunk. He just happens to have a complete set of Nike’s, woods and irons, with a bonus Nike Driver comparative to a Talor Made R-11. Only golfers will know what I’m referring to there. He also bought his little girl a set of clubs to fit her so they can play together while enjoying quality family time. His wife who is driving a Mercedes has the youngest daughter with her and they are on their way to the mall while also enjoying quality family time together.
As we look a little farther down, I see an elderly couple. The husband was reared in this town and went to college while graduating in 1955. He join the USAF after college and served our country for approximately 30 years. While in the Air Force, he graduated from pilot school and flew Air Force jets his entire military career. He decided to retire and move back to his hometown. After settling in, he went to the golf course and asked what he needed to do to become a member because he and his wife enjoyed playing golf. He naturally joined and since the mid-80’s, he and his wife are still active members and actively playing. Another opinion of mine is that I don’t think he and his wife would have chosen Dillon to retire in had it not been for a golf course.
These three groups of people I just described shouldn’t entertain one ounce of guilt for being successful.
I could go on and on with this subject and there is one more important subject I would like to mention.
I have a stronger opinion pertaining to our logo, “ALIVE ON I-95.” There is a more important component to it than it just being a saying or logo. We want the world to know that “ALIVE”has a greater meaning than just existing. We want it to mean a people who are ENERGETIC, LIVELY, ACTIVE, and ALERT. Some may not realize but in this county, there has been invested in new construction alone within the past three years over $100,000,000.00. Not bad for a poor town. Just think what we could do if we had a little money.
One of our neighboring counties states on a web page and I quote: {Once upon a time, the best place to locate a business was at the center of Downtown on Main Street. It still is. Running the length of America’s East Coast is a Main Street for the 21st Century.} They are simply referring to I-95, and we need to take advantage of it.
The last thing I want to do here is post a quote I read on Facebook®. {Golf means: A few priceless hours to spend with friends and loved ones. If there is anything that you can’t beat when it comes to golf, it’s the company you share a round with.} I’ll say golf is truly entertainment but isn’t all sports entertainment? Golf is also one of few sports that you can enjoy and play for a lifetime. Some may say that a golf course won’t bring anyone in, but in my opinion, I will venture to say by not having one may keep someone out.
Respectfully submitted,
Charles Scott
420 E. Country Club Rd.
Dillon, S.C. 29536
Golf Course Was A Wise Decision
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