By Gerald Berry
January 2016 has been an active and productive month for DHSF.
On January 7, persons who had bought at public auction the mobile units located on the Historic School Campus were completing the removal of their units, and the grounds were being cleared of all debris.
Dillon School District 4 successfully oversaw this oftentimes frustrating removal project, supervised the current clean-up, and reinstalled the chain-link fence surrounding the property. DHSF appreciates this work by Dillon School District 4 Administration, specifically Supt. Ray Rogers, and by the maintenance department.
On January 8, three DHSF members–Linda Brown, Deneene Herring, and Barbara C. Herring–met for more than two hours at the historic site and began a thorough inventory of the buildings’ contents. The first two inventories were taken of the auditorium and gymnasium wings. Every item was catalogued and photographed. Further inventory will be taken before the end of the month. In making their rounds, this inventory team discovered that one of two gymnasium doors was broken off its hinges and the lock mechanism had been gutted. Mr. Alonzo Hill, a professional locksmith recommended by Ace Hardware, was called to the site, and, within two hours, he had repaired the door and has secured the building for the time being. DHSF is most grateful to Mr. Hill for his prompt attention to a serious problem. DHSF has discussed plans to schedule a return visit by Mr. Hill who will survey the entire site and offer his proposal to repair and re-key all of the locks.
On January 11, Chairman Gerald Berry called Superintendent Ray Rogers to thank him for his help and his continued support of DHSF. During the conversation, Berry informed Supt. Rogers that, during the inventory on January 8, it was duly noted that eight auditorium seats had just recently been removed from the balcony. Some of the bolts that had attached the seats to the floor were lying only inches away, and fresh sawdust surrounded the screw holes.
On January 12, eight DHSF members attended a workshop conducted by Mr. Grady Sampson, Dillon County’s Clemson Extension Agent.This workshop was held in the Dillon Chamber of Commerce conference room. Mr. Sampson’s focus was to explain the basic processes for grant applications. Mr. Sampson clearly outlined those initial steps and emphasized the importance of following precise procedures when writing each grant application. DHSF is fortunate to have Mr. Sampson for professional advice and instruction..
Immediately following this workshop, Berry, Mary Miller and Lorene Arnette remained to discuss updates and email correspondence received from Rick Spradlin and Corey Meyer, Representatives for BB&T Insurance Services. DHSF is in the process of researching insurance coverage for the J.V. Martin Campus, particularly for the most fragile buildings on site.
On January 13, the Grant-Writing Committee met to review the previous day’s meeting with Grady Sampson and to plan procedures for DHSF to follow. Betty Lou Barclay, chairman of this committee, Lorene Arnette, Deneene Herring, and NaTalia McLeod discussed the importance of effectively composing cover letters for grant applications and compiled a list of local industries, companies, and businesses that will eventually be visited by DHSF representatives. Chairman Barclay distributed sample drafts of a cover letter and of a guideline for presentations. Each committee member was asked to study these drafts and make changes or suggestions which will then be discussed at a second meeting scheduled for Wednesday, January 27.
On January 19, Barbara Herring and Deneene Herring continued their inventory of the campus buildings. They were on the site again for more than two hours and continued listing and photographing items left in the classrooms and other areas of the former administrative wing, including the bandroom and the cafeteria. One or two more inventories should complete this task; the Dillon Graded School (“The White Building”) has yet to be inventoried. One major concern for DHSF is finding a method of clearing the piles of trash, debris, and furniture from the second-floor classroom of the gymnasium building.
On January 21, Terry Morris again met Alonzo Hill, locksmith, at the J. V. Martin site to inspect the perimeter doors. DHSF is currently considering bids from two locksmiths, Alonzo Hill of Mullins, South Carolina and one from Aberdeen, North Carolina. Morris will present his findings to DHSF at the meeting on February 2 and, depending on the response of members, this project should soon progress to completion.
Also on January 21, Chairman Berry and Secretary Mary Miller met with Dillon County Administrator Clay Young who had requested this meeting for the purpose of reviewing specific requests DHSF had first submitted to County Council on October 2, 2015.
Clay Young had also asked that DHSF provide him with a specific amount needed for each individual request, and this was immediately supplied. Berry and Miller gave Young second copies of the DHSF completed application as well as a copy of S.C. Laws pertaining to the distribution of accommodation tax monies. Young was also given an itemized list of specific monetary requests necessary to complete the initial stages of the planned DHSF restoration of the older buildings on the historic site.
On January 27, members of DHSF attended the January meeting of Dillon County Council. DHSF was included on the council’s January agenda, allowing the foundation an opportunity to formally present its request for a portion of the funds generated by the local accommodation tax. Each council member was given a packet that included the official DHSF brochure, photograph postcards, and the DHSF business card. Each council member was also given a copy of the DHSF Accommodations Tax Requests.
On February 2, having accepted an invitation from Director Maggie Riales to make a presentation to the Dillon Wellness Center Senior Group, DHSF members Mary Miller and Barbara Herring will explain the foundation’s purpose and goals and distribute the official brochure of Dillon Historic School Foundation to the Senior Group, welcoming any questions from the audience.
Dillon Historic School Foundation meets again on Tuesday, February 2 at 6:00 p.m. in the Dillon Chamber of Commerce conference room. Please make plans to attend. Rarely do these general meetings last more than one hour. Your participation would make a very strong impact, helping the organization accomplish its mission and achieve its goals of “reclaiming the past and proclaiming the future.”
DHSF Has Productive Month
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