East Elementary School “Showcase of the Arts” was held on Tuesday, January 12, 2016 beginning at 5:30 p.m. During this time kindergarten students and Coach “Izzy” Isbell presented various warmup exercises and dances for parents and other guest. The dances included Mexican Hat Dance, African Dance, Zumba Fitness Routine and the Whip/Nae Nae Elementary Cardio Workout. The students had a great time showing their parents and guests what they have been learning in class.
Ms. Dempsey and students from the kindergarten, first and second grade music classes began with an overview of class activities. Then they demonstrated rhythm practices on the drums, rhythm with chants, and also showed parents and guests their opening and closing activities for each class session.
The Cats with Character Celebration for students and parents was held in the cafeteria with Dr. Manning, School Counselor. A student from each class is selected each month that demonstrates the character trait, i.e. respect. Dr. Manning began the program by thanking all of the parents and students for attending and for being good citizens at school and in the community. The families played games and students received prizes.