Latta High School students, Iyonna McKenzie, Jordan Sims, and Tyreik McAllister, all signed on Friday to play sports at the next level. McKenzie will run track with the Coker Cobras. Jordan Sims will play basketball for Morris College. Tyreik McAllister will play football at Palmetto Prep. More on all three of these signings will be in Tuesday’s issue of The Dillon Herald.
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Three Latta High School students signed to play at the next level on Friday.
All three – Iyonna McKenzie, Jordan Sims, and Tyreik McAllister – thanked God, their families, their fellow teammates, the coaches, and the administration.
Iyonna McKenzie signed to run track for Coker College. McKenzie has run track since she was in seventh grade. She participates in the 100 yard, 200, and 4 x 100 meter relay. She also enjoys basketball and cheerleading.
McKenzie said her father, Derrick, influenced her most in this sport.
McKenzie believes she is a good fit for Coker because it is a small school with a good coaching staff. She also received offers from SC State, Coastal, and some out-of-state schools. She will carry with her a positive attitude to the college level. She plans to major in biology.
“I have always been proud of my daughter academically and in sports,” said her mother, Raquia Vell. “I know she will do well as she is so dedicated.”
Coach Jeremey Gordet said, “I am excited for Iyanna and her chance to run in college I know with her work ethic and natural ability she is going to do great things on the track and excel in the classroom.”
Jordan Sims signed to play basketball at Morris College. He has played basketball since seventh grade. He was most influenced in basketball by his father, Randy Sims.
Sims said he believes he is a fit for this college because their team plays similarly to Latta High School. Sims, a center, said he will carry his work ethic to the college level. As a high school player, he was named Mr. Consistent. At college, his major will be recreation administration.
Sims’ father Randy said, “Jordan is a wonderful kid. I was tough on him as my father was tough on us. I wish him only the best. His dreams came true – he’s going to college.” Sims mother was unable to attend, but she also gave him her blessing.
“We will really miss him,” said Coach Chris German. German said he was an undersized guy who led the team in rebounds and blocks. He said Sims was a quiet guy who allows his work on the court to speak for him.
Tyreik McAllister signed to play football with Palmetto Prep. He was influenced most in football by his grandfather, James Washington, and his uncle, Gerald Washington. In addition to football, McAllister plays basketball and runs track. McAllister, a wide receiver, believes he is well-suited for Palmetto Prep because his skills fit with the team. He will take his leadership skills to the next level. While in high school, he earned All Conference and All Zone Team honors. “We are very proud of his accomplishments,” his parents said. “The entire family is proud of him. He has worked hard in track, basketball, and football. He always gives 100 percent. We are happy he has the opportunity to advance to the next level.” Aaron Miles, Latta High School Athletic Director, said he is excited for all three students. “They will make Latta High School proud and will be role models for our current Vikings who are aspiring to play sports at the college level,” Miles said.