SIxteen members of the Rebecca Pickens Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, met at Ashpole Presbyterian Church, Rowland, N.C., on May 10, 2016, to celebrate the 100th birthday of this chapter, which was chartered on May 9, 1916. To celebrate, members had their picture made wearing celebratory “100 YEAR OLD GLASSES!” Pictured, left to right, are Chris Harris, regent, Susan Shine, Jewell Carmichael, Fay Sloan, Rena Alford, Rosemary Bethea, Pat Townsend, and Lorene Arnette; Back Row, Polly McIntyre, Jane Calhoun, Julie Sawyer, Lee Ann Calhoun, Sally McSwain, Tracey Townsend, Joan Rocha, and Cathy Baxley. Pictured at the top is the anniversary cake. (Contributed Photos)