The Yellow Jessamine Garden Club of Dillon met on Tuesday, November 1, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. at the beautiful home of Judy Powell. 14 members were present.
The meeting was called to order by President Mildred Mishue. Chaplain Glenda Campbell gave the devotion on “We are the Light of the world from the scripture, Matthew 5:16, “Let your light shine before men, so that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” After her devotion, she gave the blessing for the refreshments. Chili, ham and cheese mini sandwiches, and delicious chocolate cake were provided by Glenda Campbell and Judy Powell.
The roll was then called by Secretary Judy Powell by the answering of your favorite animal. She also read the minutes from the previous meeting.
Cathy McDaniel read the Secretary’s report as she stated that our monies for the Five Star Honor Club and Nickels for Natives was submitted.
There was no membership report at this time from Chairman Earline Moody.
Projects and Litter Chairman, Frances Tyler, reported that due to the debris from Hurricane Matthew, a work day is needed. The workday has been scheduled for Monday, November 7 at 8:30 am, to pick up limbs and branches from the J.P. Camp Roadside Park as well as the Riverside Cemetery sign.
Ways and Means Chairman, Judy Powell, gave instructions on Holiday Goodness on November 19, 2016 at the City of Dillon Wellness Center. There will be a setup time on November 18th from 5-6pm to decorate and bring goodies. She also stated that the Holiday Goodness commercial was airing.
Publicity Chairman, Melissa Moody, stated that the meetings were in The Dillon Herald and on the club’s Facebook page. She also distributed the newsletter, “The Twining Vine” as she reminded the club of awards that needed to be promptly submitted. She also read “Horticulture Moment” as instructed by the guidelines of the Garden Club of South Carolina. She provided great information on how Wildlife Habitats are beneficial to our native species.
The program leader for the evening was Dianne Pittman. She presented her informative program on Certified Wildlife Habitats. A Certified Wildlife Habitat is a place that has four distinct qualities. To be certified as a Wildlife Habitat, food, shelter, water and a place to raise young must be provided. Dianne has a beautiful country home and has many habitats for wildlife on her farm. She has been certified as having a Wildlife Habitat. She presented pictures of the stunning flowers and exquisite daylilies she has nurtured. The bees and hummingbirds love to feed from the nectar of these ravishing beauties. She also displayed pictures of her wildlife habitats and mentioned that a habitat can be as simple as gathering limbs and branches in a pile and placing a birdfeeder and birdbath, allowing the wildlife to live and grow. Each of us can make a difference if we invite wildlife into our yards by making our yards “wildlife friendly.”
There was no unfinished business for this meeting.