Holiday elves were “out and about” at the November meeting of the Dillon Garden Club. After a brief business meeting during which the club elected to seek further professional help in planning improvements to the “triangle,” to send a $500 donation to the disaster effort in the Nichols community, and to adopt two families identified as affected by the hurricane for Christmas, the fun began.
Harvest baskets were decorated with bows and fall accents. Members watched in awe as Linda Rogers and Alpha Hartley created bows while Cathy Baxley and Donna Borders expertly decorated sand dollars with Christmas trees. Creativity, like enthusiasm, in contagious, and we all could see the “wheels turning” as plans were being made for our individual decorations.
Carolyn Lupo decorated a wreath to take to Sunny Acres in gratitude for the devotion and care the staff provided for her late father, and Betty Stout finished decorating a wreathe to place at the cemetery. The baskets were filled with fruit and delivered to friends either here in Dillon, at the Methodist Manor or the Brookdale facility in Florence.
A team including Jan Austin and Jon Bozard were met with warm smiles, and then were entertained with delightful memories from the basket recipients.
The next meeting will be our Christmas Luncheon held at the home of Betty Stout.