By Betsy Finklea
The Dillon County Council held a called meeting on January 3rd to administer the oaths of office to the new and returning councilmen, to elect a chairman, and to handle other matters.
District One Councilman James Campbell, District Two Councilman Jack Scott, District Three Councilman Robert Archie Scott, and District Four Councilman T.F. “Buzzy” Finklea, Jr. were all administered the oaths of office. (see the Thursday, January 5th issue).
After the Pledge of Allegiance, the invocation by Bishop Eugene Campbell, and the approval of the agenda, the election of the chairman was held. The election of the chairman and the vice-chairman are the only votes of council taken by secret ballot.
When the ballots were counted, A. Scott had four votes and Finklea had three votes.
The election of vice-chairman was then held. Councilman Steve Grice got four votes, J. Scott, Finklea,and Councilman Harold Moody each got one vote.
Finklea, the 2016 chairman, presented the gavel to Scott, the 2017 chairman. Finklea told Scott that he was very qualified and would make a good chariman when passing the gavel and offering his congratulations.
A. Scott gave new councilmen J. Scott and Campbell the opportunity to make remarks. J. Scott thanked everyone. Campbell thanked the voters for electing him and said he would do his best for Dillon County Council District One.
In the administrator’s report, Interim Administrator Rodney Berry said they were looking at having an auction of outdated inventory.
The council approved the second reading of the following ordinances:
An Ordinance By Dillon County Council To Amend The Official Zoning Map Of Dillon County To Rezone A Parcel Of Land Known As Tax Map Number 132 at 137 From General Commercial (GC) District to Residential 2 (RS2) District.
Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of Not Exceeding $3,200,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2017, of Dillon County, South Carolina; Fixing the Forms and Details of the Bonds; Authorizing the Chairman of County Council and County Administrator to Determine Certain Matters Relating to the Bonds; Providing for the payment of the Bonds; The Disposition of the Proceeds of the Bonds; and other Matters Relating Thereto
Campbell appointed David K. “Swift” Bethea to the Dillon County Public-Private Economic Development Board with the approval of council. J. Scott said he did not have an appointment for District Two at this time.
(NOTE: To watch this meeting, go to The Dillon Herald’s channel on You Tube searchable under Johnnie Daniels – look for The Dillon Herald sign – or visit
Council Takes Oaths
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