The Dillon County First Steps (DCFS) Partnership Board voted and approved Mrs. Angela Coward, Program Assistant to the new position of Program Director at the December 13, 2016, full board meeting at Harbor Freight Tools.
The Program Director’s job description will include the following: Finance and Budget, Purchasing and Contracts, Official Data and Assessments, Personnel Coordinator, Benefits Administrator (Insurance), Maintain Official Records and Files, Create program correspondence and reports, Meeting Scheduler, Assists Executive Director, Coordinate Childcare Training, and Coordinate the Annual Fundraiser.
Dr. Daniel W. Blue, Jr., Executive Director said, “The DCFS Partnership Board members and I are very happy and proud to move Mrs. Coward into the new positon of Program Director.
Mrs. Coward has been with First Steps since the Dillon County First Steps Office opened its doors in 2000. Mrs. Coward is knowledgeable in all areas of the program.”
Coward has been an employee of Dillon County First Steps for 16 years.
Coward is the wife of Jerry Coward and they have three sons Jason, Justin (Denise) and Jordan Coward.