Lake View Town Council Meeting
February 16, 2017
7:00 p.m.
Lake View Council Chambers
Present: Mayor Boston Page, Jr.; Council Members: David Johnson, Mertis Barnett, Layton Townsend, Matthew Elvington, and also present was David Kitchens, Wayne Campbell, and Sara Elvington.
Meeting was opened in prayer by Council Member David Johnson. Mayor Page called the meeting to order.
1. Minutes from January 19, 2017 were reviewed, Councilman Matthew Elvington, made a motion to accept minutes and was seconded by Councilman David Johnson, with all in favor.
2. Recreational ball field: Councilman Elvington will be getting someone to start work on the field this week.
3. Road signs: Mr. Sonny McRae has been re-contacted for his help and advice.
4. Insurance and FEMA: All quotes have been turned in, some final paperwork to sign and then we will know how much we are able to replace or update in the town.
5. Community center: Tile is ordered, the colors chosen are gray and black, and a spuratic pattern will be made up.
6. AT&T: The bills were straightened out and the town will have credit until all credit is used up and then the bills will come in at a much lower rate.
7. Mayor and Council agree on Kenneth Cobb & Co. as auditor for the next 3 years, contract signed.
8. Mayor Page will make contact with people to fix ball field fence, fix poles & lights. Mayor Page and Councilman Johnson will get the concession area updated and the bathrooms wheel chair accessible. New towel holders will be ordered and placed in restrooms at recreation field and community center. Chief Campbell was volunteered for this job.
9. Property issues: There are some houses abandoned, land unkept; these areas are becoming dangerous as well as an eye sore. There have been many complaints by some of the citizens.
10. Councilman Townsend said a new door needs to be ordered for back of police station, roofing needs to get fixed since Hurricane Matthew.
11. Meeting to be set up with Dillon County Council and Lake View Town Council to see where we stand on the infrastructure money.
After much deliberation and many projects to be taken care of the meeting was adjourned.
Boston Page, Jr., Mayor
Sara Elvington, Clerk/Treasurer
Mayoral Proclamation
March 3, 2017
American Red Cross Month 2017
A Proclamation
In the Town of Lake View, we have a long history of helping our neighbors in need. American Red Cross Month is a special time to recognize and thank our heroes – those Red Cross Volunteers and donors who give of their time and resources to help community members.
These heroes help families find shelter after a home fire. They give blood to help trauma victims and cancer patients. They deliver comfort items to military members in the hospital. They use their lifesaving skills to save someone from a heart attack, drowning or choking. They enable children around the globe to be vaccinated against measles and rubella.
The American Red Cross depends on local heroes to deliver help and hope during a disaster. We applaud our heroes here in the City of Dillon, who give of themselves to assist their neighbors when they need a helping hand.
Across the country and around the world, the American Red Cross responds to disasters big and small. In fact, every eight minutes the organization responds to a community disaster, providing shelter, food, emotional support and other necessities to those affected. It collects nearly 40 percent of the nation’s blood supply; provides 24-hour support to military members, veterans and their families; teaches millions lifesaving skills, such as lifeguarding and CPR; and through its Restoring Family Links program, connects family members separated by crisis, conflict or migration.
We dedicate the month of March to all those who support the American Red Cross mission to prevent and alleviated human suffering in the face of emergencies. Our community depends on the American Red Cross, which relies on donations of time, money and blood to fulfill its humanitarian mission.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Boston Page, Jr., Mayor of the Town of Lake View, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of Lake View and South Carolina, do hereby proclaim March 2017 as American Red Cross Month. I encourage all Americans to support this organization and its noble humanitarian mission.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 16th day of March in the year of our Lord two thousand seventeen, and of the Town of Lake View, South Carolina.
Boston Page, Jr.