The Dillon School District Four honored James Moultrie for 51 years of service as a teacher in a classroom.
Superintendent Ray Rogers was in charge of the ceremony held at the Dillon District Four Training Room in the recently constructed office.
Many of Moutrie’s family and friends were present for the occasion.
Unfortunately Representative Jackie Hayes could not be present to present the state resolution as important school legislation was being conducted at the same time in Columbia.
Before presenting the framed resolution, Superintendent Rogers expressed many exemplary remarks of Moutrie’s contribution to the students and the school.
Superintendent Rogers spoke of the 30 years of Moutrie’s taking kids to Washington for an enriching experience these kids would have never known. Not only did Moultrie arrange the trips but he also raised the funds.
“Mr. Moultrie, our kids just don’t have the opportunity that you have provided. The Lord will bless you” remarked Mr. Rogers.
Ulysses Madison was responsible for Moultrie’s interest in officiating sports where he has served as an official for sports in our community. He has officiated for 48 years in basketball as his first game was in 1967. Moultrie has also officiated in other sports. Combined he has over 100 years of officiating sports for our kids.
Superintendent Roges exclaimed “There is no level that Mr. Moultrie has not served in his church nor has he faced any job anywhere that he has not met with success”.
“Mr. Moutrie, we are proud of your service to our kids. You have shown so much love to them” remarked Mr. Rogers.
Let’s also give some credit to your wife, Hazel, who has been by your side always” said Rogers.
After the presentation of the resolution, Mr. Moultrie, Mrs. Moultrie, family and friends were treated to refreshments and fellowship.