Copeland “Cope” Ray’s career has already spanned 50 years…and is continuing. Cope loves his job and that makes it easy for him to continue to work in the same position he has for 50 years. He has been employed at the same golf course since his eighteenth birthday on November 4, 1967, when he started at Twin Lakes County Club. The name has changed, but the golf course is where he works.
Today Cope is employed with the City of Dillon Municipal Golf Course as it is called today.
The golf course has undergoned many changes throughout the years but Cope remains the same…a dedicated employee who loves his job. That’s a rarity in today’s market.
Cope began his career when one walked behind a push lawnmower. He was responsible for mowing the greens.
In 1975 the golf course changed to riding lawnmowers. In the 90’s the golf course added a water system to keep the greens and fairways greener. New lawnmowers were added to keep the fairways neat.
Cope has worked with quite a few pros but some were not pros but knew the business. Some of the ones Cope worked with are Phil Wallace, Burt Mayes, Terry Hamilton; A.Z. Britt, Jr.; Paul and Lou Chapman.
Cope recalls that Paul and Lou Chapman arrived on the scene around ’95 and together they managed the golf course with Paul cutting greens, etc., and Lou managing the shop.
The swimming pool has been at the golf course since ’64 or’65.
Just a few years ago the City of Dillon took over the golf course and made changes …new carts, equipment, mowers, and lots and lots of fertilizer,etc.
When one speaks with anyone at the golf course, one only hears complimentary remarks about Cope. Such As Gary Bethea who is employed there and has known Cope for 20 to 25 years. Gary stated “Cope is a hard worker and knows what to do at the course. He needs no instructions. He knows what has to be done, and he does it. If something is broken, Cope knows where to go to get it fixed.”
City employee Burt Rogers had this to say about Cope. “He is a hard-working, dedicated person who has stayed with one job for all of these years and has dedicated himself to the course and the people who visit it. He sometimes works 7 days a week. He is a mechanic, greens-keeper…he does it all. He is almost a one-man crew. He loves this golf course and loves golf. He is a good man and an good asset for the City of Dillon Municipal Golf Course.”
The City of Dillon Municipal Golf Course superintendent David Strickland offered some very kind remarks about Cope. Strickland stated “Cope has always taken care of my family and me. He was a very good friend to my dad who played golf at the course quite often. I have been in the golf business off and on for over 30 years, and I count it a pleasure to work with Cope. He seems to know everything there is to know about a golf course.”
Yes, Cope plays golf and loves it. He is left handed and had to adapt to right handed golf clubs early on.