Dillon Rotary Club Member, Mike Summerlin, and his wife, Kay Summerlin, distributed dictionaries to third grade students at East Elementary School recently for the 2017-18 school year. During the visit, he explained the purpose of the Rotary Club and their commitment to help others. Mr. Summerlin also pointed out to the students that each of their dictionaries contained “The Four-Way Test” of the things Rotarians think, say or do and also spoke about services Rotary Clubs provide locally, nationally and internationally. The students thanked the Mr. Summerlin for the dictionaries. Students began to look up words as soon as they received their dictionaries. Students pictured with Kay and Mike Summerlin are (l to r): Shyanne Fix, Tristin Dove, Jasmine Betancourt and Javonta Reaves. (Contributed Photo)