The Pee Dee District Meeting was held on February 3, 2018 at the Hilton garden Inn in Florence, South Carolina with 43 members of the UDC present. The Ann Fulmore Harllee Chapter #1740 was represented by three members, Ms. Chris Harris, President, Mrs. Mattie Strickland, and Mrs. Fay Sloan. Both Mrs. Strickland and Mr. Sloan have been members for over 50 years and were the only attendees to be recognized for this honor. District business was discussed including committee reports, memorial service for departed members, conducted by Chris Harris, District Chaplain, and plans for the State Convention to be held at Myrtle Beach in October, 2018, were confirmed. After a delicious lunch, the delegates were dismissed by the singing of “Bless by the Tie.”
UDC Attends Pee Dee District Meeting
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