The Dillon County Council passed a Proclamation for Law Enforcement Week at their April meeting. The proclamation reads as follows:
WHEREAS, High-quality training is an essential component of effective law enforcement and the dedicated men and women who serve in this field have sworn to uphold the constitutional rights of individuals while promoting and defending the pubic safety and meeting that challenge requires that every officer-from the rookie on the street to the most experienced chief or investigator-be equipped with certain knowledge and skills; and,
WHEREAS, Today law enforcement training is as rigorous and as wide-ranging in scope as the day-to-day demands of an officer’s job, where first, every man and woman behind the badge must have knowledge of the law itself, including the rules of proper conduct and procedure, and because their work place them on the front lines in the war against drug and crime, law enforcement officers also devote many hours of study and practice to self-defense techniques and to the safe use of firearms; and
WHEREAS, Basic law enforcement training also includes physical conditioning, as well as lessons and exercises in the administration of first aid, and whether they are called to the scene of an accident or to the site of a violent domestic dispute, law enforcement officers know that lives depend on their preparedness and skill; and
WHEREAS, While the fundamentals have remained the same, recent advances in science and technology have changed many aspects of law enforcement and law enforcement training, and to fight back against increasingly sophisticated crimes, police officers and other law enforcement agents are employing increasingly sophisticated tools and methods from computers and toxicology to genetic “fingerprinting” and psychological profiling; and
WHEREAS, Those individuals who provide law enforcement training – including continuing education for veteran personnel – are part of a large, multidisciplinary team of professionals and to heighten public awareness of the importance of law enforcement training and its related fields, Dillon County has designated the week of May 13 through May 19, 2018 as “Law Enforcement Week”
NOW, THEREFORE, we the Dillon County Council, Dillon, SC, do hereby proclaim the week beginning May 13, 2018 as Law Enforcement Week. We invite all citizens of Dillon County to observe this week with appropriate programs and activities. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand on this date April 25th, in the year of our Lord Two Thousand and Eighteen.
The motion was made to pass the proclamation by County Councilman T.F. “Buzzy” Finklea, Jr. seconded by County Councilman Archie Scott. All present approved