The Dillon County Memorial Day observance was held at the Dillon City-County complex today. Despite the rain, there was a good crowd who gathered inside of the building. Rodney Berry, who served as a Marine, was the guest speaker.
Photos by Johnnie Daniels/The Dillon Herald
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The annual Memorial Day observance was held on Monday at the Dillon City-County Complex. Due to the weather, the event was moved inside; however, a number of people attended the event. Judge James E. Lockemy was the Master of Ceremonies. The invocation and benediction were given by Sgt. Richard McMahan. Woodmen Life presented a U.S. Flag to be flown at the complex. Lynn Bowman sang the national anthem. Robert Abson led the pledge of allegiance. John Harlow introduced the guest speaker, Rodney Berry. Berry is a U.S. Marine, who has served a both home and overseas in Okinawa, Japan. Berry said it was inspiring to see how many people turn out in this kind of weather. He recognized the veterans present having them stand and state their name and branch of service. He said we should pause and remember, but look foward. He spoke about the things that happened on “our watch.” He ended with Ephesians 6:11. Judge Lockemy then read out the names of those who died since the last service with a tolling of the bell after each month by a JROTC Cadet. Taps was played, and the memorial wreath was placed by Terry Morris and Tony Peele. More photos appear on www.thedillonherald.com. (Photos by Johnnie Daniels/The Dillon Herald)