Lake View Town Council Meeting
April 19, 2018
Presiding: Mayor Matthew Elvington
Present: Council Members: David Johnson, Tony Hayes, and Mertis Barnett
Also Present: Geneva Nance, Anthony Ford, Barbara Burton, Karen Henderson and Sara Elvington
Mayor Elvington opened the meeting with prayer. The minutes from March 15th and Special Meeting April 10, 2018 were reviewed. Councilman Johnson made a motion to accept amended minutes, second by Councilman Hayes with all in favor.
It was noted for the record:
1.The trees have been removed from Shady Circle and the walking track.
2. The recreational ball fields have been dedicated to Layton Townsend, Jr., Boston Page, Jr., and W.H. Bethea.
3. The walking track Rules Signs have been put in place.
4. The Easter Egg Hunt was a great success.
5. Mayor and Council are working on the Employee wage/benefits which will become effective July 1, 2018.
6.The ice machine at the community center was repaired.
1. Pee Dee Coalition: Ms. Glenda Schleich, Dillon County Volunteer and Community Engagement Coordinator, presented information to Mayor and Council along with statistics on the work they have done in the past year. She also gave out handouts with vital information. Mayor and Council thanked Ms. Glenda for the organizations hard work and her time in reporting this information to them. Ms. Glenda excused herself from the rest of the meeting.
2. Mr. Anthony Ford was next on the agenda with concerns about the traffic in front of the church near the elementary school and the liter on Old Kemper Road in Lake View, as well as the area near the site of an old industry (which has been town down). Mayor and Council did discuss with Mr. Ford all the people they have contacted in hopes of resolving the issue of traffic and its endangerment to the citizens, as well as destruction of property. The Town of Lake View has received gloves, trash bags and reacher’s to pick up the liter, the town needs volunteer at this point. Mr. Ford seemed satisfied to know the Mayor and Council were already making progress to get these items resolved.
3. Geneva Nance is very concerned with the water standing in the ditch near her house, and the problems it will bring in relation to snakes, mosquitoes, bacteria and diseases. She is also concerned with the property near her property, which has a lot of trees. She said several trees and debris from them have fallen in the past onto her property ad she had to pay to have them removed and thinks the owner of the property should have to remove them since they were originally on his land and fell onto hers. Mayor and Council have contacted others to see what can be done about the ditch, no one can predict if, when and where a tree will fall, therefore limited on what can be done in this case, since most people have to remove debris which falls onto their property. Mayor did say that during hurricane Matthew, that a tree had fallen in this area and Duke Energy had cut it up.
4. Ordinance on Hospitality Tax was amended; this is the second reading, Council Barnett made a motion to accept the amended ordinance, seconded by Council Hayes with all in agreement.
5. Mr. Peterson is still working on the amended Business license Ordinance and will be in touch when he is finished.
6. Mayor made a motion to put Karen Henderson on the agenda, due to an oversight by Mayor she was left off, but was invited to speak. Council Hayes second the motion and all others agreed.
7. Karen Henderson brought the Mayor and Council up to date on the grant writing classes she had attended at the Mayor’s request. Mrs. Henderson was very excited on all the new information she had gotten from her meetings and is eager to get started. Mrs. Henderson had brought back packets of information for the Mayor and Council which would allow many different avenues to choose from for the grants. Mayor and Council are very excited to see Mrs. Henderson is willing and eager to take on this endeavor for the town. After much discussion, Mrs. Henderson was thanked for attending the meeting and brings the enthusiasm all the reports and the actions she is not going to take. Mrs. Henderson excused herself from the rest of the meeting.
8. A rough draft of the amended ordinances by American legal has arrived for review by Mayor and Council.
9. Mayor asked for a motion to go into executive session to finalize the discussion of Town benefits and salaries for employees. Council Hayes made a motion and seconded by Council Barnett with all in favor. After much discussion Mayor and Council came out of executive session and the meeting was adjourned.