Daughters of the American Revolution met May 8, 2018 at the Dillon Wellness Center. That was the prelude to a real summer. Of special significance at the May meeting was the story about Dr. John McRae, a field surgeon in World War I. Seeing the bright red poppies in bloom, he was inspired by their beauty, a symbol of the resurrection, to write the poem, “in Flanders Field”. Following this story, the beauty and meaning of Memorial Day was brought to our attention. The meeting then really began with a welcome, refreshments and the usual ritual led by Regent Susan Shine. The program chairman for May was Julie Sawyer who presented an interesting program on the insignia for the DAR. It was designed by Dr. G. Brown Goode, husband of Sarah E. Goode, DAR member. It was accepted and patented in 1891 and is still used today. Shocking some of the members was the invitation to honor the memory of Doris Allen Dunn who served as State Regent from 1985-1988. Mrs. Dunn’s gravesite is in Magnolia Cemetery in Latta, South Carolina. Regent Susan Shine thanked the program chairman and the hostesses, Jane Calhoun, Julia Adams McLaurin and Kathy Baxley. Next meeting will be September 11, 2018. (Contributed Photo)