The Junior Charity League of Dillon County sponsored its annual 2018 Fall Festival on Monday, October 29, 2018 at The City of Dillon Wellness Center.
Dillon County Junior Charity League’s Fall Festival has been an annual tradition for many, many years. It is our biggest fundraiser of the year. The King/Queen contest consists of children (K5-4th Grade) who have been nominated by their peers. They raise money to compete for a grand prize (game systems, bicycles, tablets, etc.) We are also very gracious of our sponsors who donate each year.
We use the proceeds from the Fall Festival to clothe hundreds of needy children who have been affected by house fires or those in need of winter coats, etc. Our organization also provides college scholarships to graduating high school seniors in Dillon County. In addition to clothing children and providing scholarships, the Dillon County Junior Charity League has also sponsored new books for children through the Reading First program, provided playground equipment for children at the battered women’s shelter, and helped prepare children to succeed in school through the annual Back to School Bash.
We are so grateful for our sponsors and the citizens of Dillon County who participate in our Fall Festival each year. Thank you all!
Here is a photo gallery from the Dillon Junior Charity League Fall Festival.
Photos by Johnnie Daniels/The Dillon Herald
Click once on a photo to bring it into a single screen, and then again to enlarge.