The Etudier Club of Dillon recently enjoyed a reunion of former members. The club was organized in 1938 and disbanded in 2012. For many years, the club was a member of the South Carolina Federation of Women’s Clubs.
The purpose of the club was to promote literary culture, civic betterment and education for adults and children. In keeping with its purpose, the club down through the years contributed too many worthwhile projects in our schools, library and community. In our schools the club sponsored essay contest, art exhibits and an Adopt-A-Teacher program as well as raised funds for the first Dillon High School band uniforms and promoted the lunch room for East Elementary School. A student loan program was formed and later converted into scholarships for a deserving senior at DHS.
For years members purchased books to share and later to donate to the library. Members participated in children’s reading sessions and book reviews for adults.
Club fundraisers to support worthy efforts included sales, bridge tournaments and fashion shows. The Spring Fling fashion show was presented an evening of entertainment for our patrons.