One of the highlights of the Glove and Trowel Garden Club each year is our Annual Year- End Meeting and Dinner Party which was held this year on Tuesday, December 4, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. at the St. Barnabas Church Parish House.
It is special because each year we invite our husbands or a guest. This year there were 27 of us to enjoy the holiday season together.
Hor d’oeurves were served at 6:30 p.m. This gave the members a chance to meet and present any committee reports to close out the year before being joined by our husbands/guests for our meal at 7:00 p.m.

Jamie Sue Stephens and Julie Hatcher were Co-Chairmen and others on the committee were Dawn Arnette, Lydia Carr, Linda Dutton, Sally Harrison, Elizabeth Jordan, Ellen Jordan, Julia McLaurin, Fay Sloan, Holli Strickland, and Marilyn Zunk.
Individual tables were beautifully decorated with red table cloths with a black runner centered down the middle holding a rustic Christmas arrangement made of Pine, Magnolia, and Holly with candle lit mason jars in the center.
Molly Pittman, President, welcomed everyone and thanked our garden club members for all of their support and help for her this past year. She stated that we are the best!
After the blessing by Owen Wallace, husband of member Natalie Wallace, we all enjoyed a bountiful covered dish dinner prepared by each club member along with an assortment of desserts.
Each member took a gift and one for her husband or guest. After our meal, Owen Wallace, as our Santa, led us in our usual “Chinese Gift Swap.” Each person was given a number. When your number was called, you picked up a gift from under the tree.

Then, when another number was called, that person could pick a gift from under the tree, or take another person’s gift. It is always fun, and a lot of swapping went on!
President Molly was thanked for her service as our President this year and was presented with a gift from our club by Jamie Sue Stephens. In return, Molly gave a gift to each member. It was a dish cloth that she had crocheted for each of us. The favor for each member this year was a wooden hand-painted Christmas Ornament.
Each member took a gift for a child in foster care with Lutheran Services Carolinas in the Pee Dee Region. It is always our privilege to be able to help others. Our member, Amy McColl, is the recruiter for the Lutheran Service Carolinas and stated that they are extremely thankful for the gifts for the children in foster care.
Our club is a member of the Dillon Council of Garden Clubs, Coastal District of GCSC, The Garden Club of South Carolina, Inc., South Atlantic Region, and the National Garden Clubs, Inc.

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