The Yellow Jessamine Garden Club met on Tuesday, January 1, 2019 at the beautiful home of Frances Tyler.
The floral arrangement for the evening was a vibrant arrangement of deep pink and light pink Camellias from her yard. They were elegantly displayed on the dining room table. (Scientific name: Camellia meaning perfection, excellence, desire or passion) 11 members were present.
President Ricks began the meeting by welcoming all members and graciously thanking Hostess Frances Tyler.
Next, Chaplain Glenda Campbell gave the devotion on unity. She explained the importance of all people being unified. Unification includes peace and harmony which is desperately what our nation needs today. We should agree to help one another and most importantly, love one another {1 John 3:11-20}.
The blessing for the refreshments was also given by Glenda.
After refreshments, roll call was given by the answering of each member’s favorite season as the minutes were read from the December meeting and they stood approved.
Treasurer Frances Tyler presented the financial report and was very pleased with the Holiday Goodness Fundraiser.
Larue Bracey, Membership Chairman, then mentioned a new prospect for the YJGC and stated that a letter has been sent.
Correspondence Chairman, Mildred Mishue, affirmed that all calls and texts were made as a reminder of the January meeting. She also declared there was no Ways and Means report at this time. President Ricks informed the YJGC of some maintenance that needed to be addressed at J.P. Camp and Harmon Park. A workday will be scheduled in the spring.
Publicity Chairman, Melissa Moody, voiced that the December meeting was sent to The Dillon Herald for publication and the awards have been sent to GCSC and Coastal District. She then read Horticulture moments and updated the Yellow Jessamine Garden Club Facebook page.
Frances Tyler asked to please continue feeding the birds because food is limited during the colder months and it is more difficult for birds to find food. Glenda Campbell then presented her program “Making Grapevine Wreaths.” She demonstrated how effortless it is to make a seasonal wreath. Glenda brought artificial greenery and flowers from her home. {Live flowers may also be used but proper daily care is required.} She explained how the greenery needs to be stacked as the background layer and the flowers displayed on top. By placing flowers in the proper positions, the wreath can be as elaborate or as simple as it is desired. Other decorations can also be used, such as ornaments, wooden letters and ribbon. Wreaths can be displayed on front doors, in gardens, on headstones or just about anywhere imagined. Glenda used President Ricks to help as her volunteer. {GCSC objective: Encourage civic beautification} Old business discussed was the voting of a nominating committee. This committee will bring to vote several new officers for the next year. Nominating Committee members are as follows: Mildred Mishue, Frances Tyler and Melissa Moody.
The meeting was then adjourned. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 5, 2019 at the home of Larue Bracey. The guest speaker will be Coastal District Director Susan Carter and her presentation will be on Coastal District Awards.
The Yellow Jessamine Garden Club is a member of the National Garden Clubs, inc., South Atlantic Region of National Council, The Garden Club of South Carolina, Inc. and the Coastal District of the Garden Club of South Carolina.