As we enter into the year of 2019 we are all faced with different challenges and unexpected circumstances that arise . Here at The Dillon Pentecostal Holiness Church, 511 Hwy. 301 South, in Dillon. We have had upon two occasions in the last three years two occasions of flooding in our church, fellowship hall, and educational building with significant damage to all three.
The two hurricanes that impacted our church was hurricane Matthew and hurricane Florence. Our church was founded in 1941 and to the knowledge of our church members flooding has never impacted us here until hurricane Matthew and Florence came to town ! As the pastor of The Dillon Pentecostal Holiness Church I know sometimes God allows us to faces difficult challenges. And truly this has been an ongoing challenge for all those that have attended the church these last three years. In the mist of these storms God has calmed the troubled waters of life and ministry many times . We have never carried flood insurance here at the church because we are not in a flood zone . But due to the impact of storms and drainage here at the church on 301 south i am sure we will be forced to carry flood insurance in the future. We have been very fortunate to have caring brothers and sisters in Christ that have reached out to us in our times of crisis. Thanks to Pastor Jimmy Owens and his congregation at New life Church, and Pastor Joe Grice and his congregation at Dillon Church of God . Also the IPHC has reached out to us to help restore our facilities. Yet we still have damage that has to be repaired, and funds to be raised to meet the needs. We are currently meeting in our fellowship hall with all our activities taking place there . I thank God for providing his care and nurturing his congregation at DPHC through
these difficult times . What a blessing it is to serve God even in troubled times . There is a bible verse that encourages all who believes that God is and will take care of us.