This devotion is a monthly ministry of the Pee Dee Baptist Association, comprised of 32 Southern Baptist churches in Dillon and Marlboro Counties. For more information, call 843-774-8062.
It’s 2019!
It’s almost unbelievable that we are three months into the New Year, 2019. When you think of the New Year, we typically will think of making a New Year’s Resolution. These are decisions that we make based on a need to change something in our lives that isn’t always easy to change.
You and I have made several resolutions over our lives, but few people actually keep their resolution, at least for very long.
So, how have you done your New Year’s resolution this year? What was your New Year’s resolution? To be a better husband or wife? To be a better parent? To be a better grandparent? To save more and spend less? Lose weight, exercise more?
You get the picture. My question is why don’t we keep the resolutions that we make??!
Why do we tend to slip back into our old behavior so very easily?
I visit the Dillon Wellness Center several times per week. In January, a lot of people must have made a New Year’s resolution as it was crowded. But after a few weeks, it returned back to the same folks who’ve been showing up all year as many have fallen by the wayside.
We tend to do this spiritually as well, slip back into old behaviors. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.” As a Christian, we have to guard our hearts to make sure we don’t fall back into those old behaviors, recognizing that we are a new creation because of Jesus. When Paul wrote this letter to the church, he was addressing the fact that many of those in the church and reverted back to their old behavior.
We must trust in and rely on the power inside of us, the power of Christ Jesus, if indeed we want to be made new.
I pray that this year will be a year of spiritual breakthrough for you. Need help spiritually? Call 1-800-NEED-HIM or 1-800-633-3446 today!