By Betsy Finklea
C&M Hog Farm held an open house to allow the public to take a look at their transloading facility.
The transloading facility “handles soybeans and other local products bound for overseas markets via Inland Port Dillon,” according to a press release issued earlier this year. “Demand for facilities to transload North and South Carolina agriculture products ranging from soybeans to grains, peanuts and animal feeds has increased significantly since the opening of Inland Port Dillon in April 2018. In addition to next-day rail service to and from SCPA’s marine terminals, Inland Port Dillon provides local access to empty containers and the added cost benefit of a round-trip pipeline for loaded containers,” the press release stated.
At the celebration, Rick Myers, a co-owner of C&M Hog Farm said three years ago he had a meeting that led to this day. He said this was built two years ago with his partner, Robert Coleman, who has since passed away. The new office was dedicated to Coleman. He said that this is already helping Dillon County farmers who have seen the price of soybeans go up from .20 to .40 cents.
Leslie Thompson, co-owner and daughter of Robert Coleman, said they were super-excited. They named the loader, “The Ties That Bond.” The reason for the name is that two men, who were not related came together to form C&M Hog farm with a common bond to build something that grew. The two families also grew together. Their hard work has resulted in this transloading facility for soybeans. She said while there have been many changes that the foundation on which the business was built remains the same.
Bob Reinecke, Global Manager for the S.C. Ports Authority, said this was a great outlet for S.C. Farmers to take their products to different markets. Recently, local soybeans were shipped to the Phillippines and the shipment leaving today was going to Vietnam. After they leave the farm, the products go to the Inland Port Dillon, leave there by rail, and then go to Charleston where they are shipped globally.
Jason Jernigan, N.C. Grain Program Administrator of the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, said this was quite an exciting day and he was pleased to be a part of it.
Edger Woods, Palmetto Grain, spoke about the soybean market. He said this is a big opportunity for farmers in this area and that the viability of this business depended on the market. He said that the C&M Hog Farm owners had made a significant investment. He said the inland port was a gateway to the world. After his remarks, Pastor Jamie Arnette gave the blessing, and a meal was enjoyed. After lunch, a demonstration of the loader took place.
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