Johnnie Daniels, the general manager of The Dillon Herald, won two photography awards in the S.C. Press Association Contest.
Both awards came in the 2-3 Times Weekly Sports Action Photo category.
The first place award was for a photo of East Clarendon’s Marquis Webb carrying for seven yards against Latta High School. The judges’ comments were: “Nice composition. The slight blur accentuates the movement of the players.”
The third place award was for a photo of a touchdown pass to Ahmari Huggins-Bruce of Dillon High School.
“We are very proud of Johnnie for winning these awards,” said Betsy Finklea, editor of The Dillon Herald. “He goes above and beyond the call of duty each and every week and several days per week giving up his personal time to cover our local high school sports and these athletes, who without his dedication probably would not receive much, if any, coverage. These awards are very well-deserved.”