A deployment dinner and special program was held for the S.C. National Guard. See the Tuesday, August 13, issue for details.
Photos by Johnnie Daniels/The Dillon Herald
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The National Guard soldiers from Dillon and Conway were honored with a deployment dinner and a special program that was held on Sunday, August 11, from noon until early in the evening, at the Dillon National Guard Armory on Hwy. 34 West, Dillon.
There was a delicious meal with all the trimmings including desserts in a wonderful atmosphere with many in attendance.
Miss SC Teen Kellan Fenegan opened with the National Athem.
The invocation was by Rev. Harold Cooke of the Mount Calvary Baptist Church in Dillon.
The talented “Voice” contestant, Cecily Hennigan, amazed the audience with many songs.
The Rolling Thunder of Rock Hill, Myrtle Beach, and Florence presented 1SG Rodney Hardee and Captain Wayne Pavlischek of the Dillon National Guard with an American flag and a Prisoner of War flag.
Miss Loris Bog Off Queen Sarah Carroll took the stage and blessed those in attendance with songs.
The City of Dillon Mayor Pro-Tem Dr. Phil Wallace spoke on behalf of the City of Dillon. He thanked the soldiers for their sacrifices for our country and our freedom. He prepared himself by reading through the United States Constitution and quoted parts of it. He truly thanked the soldiers. He spoke not only for the City of Dillon but also for himself.
The Polynesian Fire Luau & Fire Show took to the stage followed by Whits End & Matt Tucker Band.
Darrell Gainey took to the stage next.
Band Mashup was the final band to take to the stage.
These soldiers will deploy on Wednesday, August 14, to Greenville to catch a flight to Bliss, Texas. From there, the soldiers will head to Kuwait.