South Carolina lawmakers determined $61 million of the tax dollars generated by the 2018 Mega Millions winner would be used to fund $50 rebate checks for qualifying taxpayers.
More than 1 million qualifying taxpayers are expected to receive a $50 rebate check later this year from the South Carolina Department of Revenue (SCDOR). Updates on the timeframe for issuing and mailing rebate checks to qualifying taxpayers will be posted on dor.sc.gov/rebate.
Who qualifies for the $50 rebate?
• You must have filed a 2018 South Carolina Individual Income Tax Return (SC1040) on or before October 15, 2019, and
• You must have a South Carolina Individual Income Tax liability after credits of at least $50.
What should you expect?
• Rebates will be issued as paper checks by December 2.
• Rebate checks will be mailed to the most recent address we have on file for eligible taxpayers, which is likely the address on your 2018 South Carolina Individual Income Tax Return.
• Only one check will be sent per tax return, so married couples who filed a joint return will receive one $50 check.
Have you moved since you filed your 2018 return?
If you meet the qualifications above and have moved or have a new mailing address since filing your 2018 return, notify the SCDOR of your new address as soon as possible. The SCDOR offers two convenient ways to update your address:
• Use MyDORWAY, the SCDOR’s free online tax portal, at MyDORWAY.dor.sc.gov.
-If you already have a MyDORWAY account, login and click the Names and Addresses tab to change your address.
-To create a MyDORWAY account, visit dor.sc.gov/MyDORWAY-signup. You will need your 2018 South Carolina Individual Income Tax Return handy to pull information to verify your identity.
-Or, complete Part I of the SC8822 and:
-Email it to SCRebate@dor.sc.gov
-Or, mail it to SCDOR, PO Box 125, Columbia, SC 29214-0400
If your address changed and you fail to notify the SCDOR by October 15, it may take longer to receive your rebate check. Non-residents (taxpayers who don’t live in South Carolina) who filed a 2018 South Carolina Individual Income Tax Return and meet the eligibility criteria will also receive a $50 rebate.
Learn more about the $50 rebate and how to find out if you qualify at dor.sc.gov/rebate.
Connect with the SCDOR on Facebook and Twitter for up-to-date news and announcements.