The South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) has announced plans for an additional $562 million in road pavement and resurfacing projects for the coming fiscal year 2020-2021.
The Transportation Commission approved the plan on June 18, 2020 as SCDOT is completing year three of its 10-Year Plan on or ahead of schedule in all categories of rebuilding the state’s roads.
The $562 million of new paving includes projects in all of the state’s 46 counties and is in addition to the $1.3 billion of road, bridge and safety project work SCDOT is currently implementing.
Paving the state’s roads is the largest of the 10-Year Plan’s four programs, which include rural road safety, replacing or repairing bridges, and Interstate widening. As a part of the 2020-2021 paving plan SCDOT plans to resurface an additional 661 miles of primary roads, farm-to-market roads, and neighborhood streets.
“This 661 miles of paving projects is in addition to the previously approved 3,348 miles of paving projects SCDOT has launched since the enactment of the state gas tax increase in July 2017,” said SCDOT Commission Chairman Tony Cox. “The Commission and SCDOT are committed to full transparency in how projects are selected and constructed. We encourage citizens to provide comments during the projects’ Public Comment period and to follow our progress on existing projects and as new ones are added.”
SCDOT has prioritized the paving projects in the same manner it ranks all of its projects, based on safety and crash data, the condition and age of roads, and traffic information.
SCDOT also announced today it is adding an interactive GIS mapping capability to make it easier for the public to view the just-approved paving projects of interest to them. The new feature will soon be added to the “Public Comment” portion of the “Programs and Projects” section of the scdot.org website. Preview the live interactive GIS mapping feature at: https://arcg.is/ 1y5rDH. A list of the county-by-county paving projects for 2020-2021 is included in the Transportation Commission’s June 18 Meeting Notebook, available here: https://www.scdot.org/inside/ inside-commission-resources. aspx A link that explains how SCDOT determines which projects are funded through an analytical process can be found here: https://www.scdot. org/inside /planning-project-prioritization.aspx.