By Betsy Finklea
Lynn Liebenrood, Director of Dillon District Four Student Services, made a final report on the summer reading camp and reported on professional development at the Dillon District Four Board’s meeting on Monday, August 17th.
Eighty-two students participated in the summer reading camp – 71 students made gains and 11 maintained their current level. Liebenrood said they were pleased with the results.
Summer professional development still continued, but it was all virtual.
Liebenrood provided the following list of professional development activities: Summer Professional Development: 1. Innovative Ideas Conference for Principals (virtual), 2. Read to Succeed Endorsement Courses continued, 3. Administrative traing-notebooks provided, 4. Mentor training – no new updates, and 5. New Teacher Orientation – notebooks provided 6. PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) The premise of PBIS is tht continual teaching, combined with acknowledgement or feedback of positive student behavior will reduce unnecassary discipline and promote a climate of greater productivity, safety and learning. Ongoing Professional Development (AdvancED – now called Cognia) includes 1. STEM, 2. Mathematics, 3. Differentiation within the classroom Students learning styles and meeting the needs of individual students, 4. Professional Learning Opportunities (SCDE), 5. Data Analysis, 6. PBIS, and 7. MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Support) Educating the whole child (academic, social emotional, and behavioral).
Final Report Given On District Four’s Summer Reading Camp, Professional Development
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