Over seventy members of at least eight local churches came together to pray for our nation and community this Saturday, September 26th.
The event was co-hosted by St Paul AME, Mt Andrews UMC, and Pyerian Baptist Churches. The event was held outdoors and coincided with a national prayer walk in Washington DC where many Thousands converged on our capital to pray for healing in our nation.
The event lasted for two hours and included groups that went into the community and prayed door to door, a group that remained and prayed at the site, and those that prayed with any that drove up for prayer. Pray continued the entire time with many coming to the microphone to pray their hearts to God.
The participants enjoyed the fellowship and were blessed by God as they prayed together. Jesus Christ was glorified and there are plans to carry this event to their communities in our county. If you are interested in a prayer event in your part of the county please call or text Dr. James Orr at 843-992-7754.