The Yellow Jessamine Garden Club kicked off their new year with a phenomenal meeting on Tuesday, September 1, 2020 at 6:30 p.m.
In order to practice social distancing, the members met in the fellowship building of one of the members’ churches. Ten members were in attendance.
The tables were decorated with beautiful sunflowers in mason jars filled with fall confetti. Several pumpkin centerpieces were also placed on some of the tables. The refreshment table had the arrangement for the evening placed in the center. A fall assortment of sunflowers, feathers and various branches made a beautiful display.
As members entered, PowerPoint slides of past projects and pictures throughout last year were playing. The members were encouraged to sit two per table. A newsletter and agenda were placed on the table in front of the chairs that the members were to sit.
The meeting began with President Melissa Moody welcoming all members and thanking them for a job well done over the summer. Several activities and projects that were started in the summer will be continual through fall.
The beautiful yearbook and cover were also on the top of the agenda. Mrs. Tia Jones painted the stunning front cover of our yearbook with our theme, “Buzzing Our Way to Beauty,” as her focus. The yearbook editor, Cathy McDaniel, was very meticulous in the printing of the yearbook, and the wonderful job was greatly appreciated!
The members then recited the Pledge to the Garden Club of South Carolina Flag. Roll call was given by the naming of an insect or bug. Various answers were ladybug, mosquito, bumblebee and dragonfly.
Devotion was given by President Moody on Philippians 4:19: “But my God will supply all your needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” She spoke on choosing to trust the Lord and knowing he will provide our every need, in every situation.
Glenda Campbell then gave the prayer for the evening and over refreshments.
The members were encouraged to eat refreshments as the meeting was presented.
Next, President Moody began her program entitled, “Good Bug, Bad Bug.” A PowerPoint presentation on beneficial and harmful bugs and insects was exhibited. This very informative program explained the reason behind the good and bad bugs and their benefits to our gardens and crops. A beneficial insect is an insect that harms landscape pests and does not harm good bugs or plants. An example would be the ladybug. This spotted insect or lady beetle is a beneficial bug because it helps get rid of pests. A single ladybug can eat as many as 5,000 aphids in its lifetime! An example of a harmful insect or bad bug would be the aphid. Aphids are soft bodied insects that use their sharp pierced mouth to feed on plant sap, thus damaging or destroying the plants. Many other insects were identified and discussed.
After the explanatory program, President Moody found a fun way to identify the insects and bugs. The members played a game called, “Save or Swat.” This involved cutouts of bugs/insects placed on a table. When the name of a certain bug/insect was called, you immediately had to find the bug and if it was a good bug, grab it with your hand. If it was a bad bug, swat it with the swatter. This was a unique way to recognize and characterize the bugs.
Next on the agenda was Projects and Litter Chairman, Mary Ricks. She mentioned that volunteers were needed for trash removal for this month at J.P. Camp Roadside Park.
Ways and Means Chairman, Mildred Mishue stated that Holiday Goodness has not been planned yet. She will notify members when and if a definitive date and time is set.
Frances Tyler gave the birds report on hummingbirds and Larue Bracey told about the flower of the month, aster.
Membership Committee has no business at this time and Treasurerís report was presented by Frances Tyler.
No unfinished business mentioned however the new business announced was a project that is starting at Little Pee Dee State Park. (More details to come)
The meeting was adjourned. The door prize of a finch feeder was won by Tia Jones. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 6, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. Mrs. Theresa Hamilton will be the program leader for the evening.
Her program called, “A Pumpkin Is A Gourd,” is sure to be enlightening. The Yellow Jessamine Garden Club is a member of the national Garden Clubs, inc., South Atlantic Region of Garden Clubs, The Garden Club of South Carolina, Inc., and the Coastal District of The Garden Club of South Carolina.