SHE Is Me Mentoring Program seeks to offer young women unique real-world exposure to potential career exploration, personal development & growth, cultural immersion (engagement), and a commitment to community service. When the program initially began a couple of years ago, there was no way of predicting the roller coaster that has been 2020. From untimely deaths, to political upheaval, unbearable acts of racism, and the consequences of a worldwide pandemic, SHE Is Me has remained unwavered in our commitments to one another and all those we are blessed to serve.
Making a complete pivot around the curve balls presented by the pandemic, our group of mentees and mentors began meeting online in April to continue the work of doing what needed to be done. We remained true to our core values of Service through Strength, Humility through Honesty, and Excellence through Empowerment! SHE Is Me Mentoring Program stayed the course and was awarded a grant from ONESC through Healthy Learners, affording us the opportunity to complete a massive hygiene education and supply initiative. With a collaborative team approach and under the dedicated leadership of our Program Director, Tabitha James, we stopped at nothing to compile and distribute more than 400 hygiene kits to rural women and girls across the mentoring organization’s service area in Lake View, Dillion, Marion, and the Grand Strand & Pee Dee communities. To see the outpouring of support from community members and our team of selfless mentees and mentors in realizing this endeavor was incredibly inspirational given this unprecedented time. We refuse to allow uncertainty or fear of the unknown impede our mission as SHE Is Me continues to progress through the pandemic!
Despite the world coming to a complete stop and everyone being at a literal standstill, SHE Is Me remained hard at work, virtually coming together to meet, empower, and strengthen one another as we grow into a national mentorship program. Recognized for our dedication and commitment to excellence & growth among young women, our organization was recently awarded the Southern Black Girls and Women’s Consortium to kickstart our 2020-2021 program year! Yes, we are on to higher heights and with this tremendous show of support from one of the nation’s premier collectives of funders, activists, and community leaders working to advance the movements for Black girls and women in the Southeast. To add to our triumphs, SHE Is Me has revamped our organizational approach, launching #SHEIsMeGoesViral – an online connectivity program to reach a broader audience of young women. Using generous donations from HE Consulting, the organization has also been afforded further financial backing to purchase and ship t-shirts to our new cohorts, program members and supporters. So, while the world allows the pandemic to press pause, SHE Is Me is full steam ahead with no signs of slowing down!
In efforts to share our generosity with the community, we hosted a drive-thru school supply drive in the hilltop community in Lake View, SC. We were able to provide supplies to over 55 households, additionally at this event, community members had the opportunity to complete the 2020 Census, obtain information about Healthy Learners and receive items for kickstarting the virtual school year from community member Brandy Nixon who partnered with the organization for this event.
Bi-weekly we have partnered with RALI Dillon and others to help distribute fresh produce boxes to residents in Dillon County. Our organization has focused primarily on ensuring a percentage of boxes reached Lake View residents each distribution. Our leadership team is planning for our holiday community service and look forward to remaining integral in serving others while sustaining our virtual programming.
For more information about SHE Is Me Mentoring Program and Support Services, the organization can be found on Facebook, Instagram or via www.1amshe.com/sheisme17.