The Yellow Jessamine Garden Club of Dillon met on Tuesday, November 3, 2020 at 6:30 in the evening. Ten members were in attendance.
The meeting began as the members gathered refreshments and donated to Pennies for Pollinators. Each seat placing had a newsletter, agenda and a few printed items for Holiday Goodness, clipped together. All members then stood and recited the Garden Club of South Carolina Flag pledge. Roll call was asked by the naming of a native plant. Yellow Jessamine, Beautyberry and Bee Balm were a few answers.
Next, President Moody gave the devotion and prayer. She also discussed the newsletter “The Twining Vine” and mentioned the upcoming fundraiser at the City of Dillon Wellness Center. She also reiterated that several Youth awards deadlines are near and encouraged all members to submit them promptly.
Mary Ricks then presented the program “Beauty and The Beast.” This presentation taught the club the difference between invasive and native plants. (This program was in accordance with the GCSC and NGC goals and objectives including encouraging civic planting. It also includes the GCSC theme GardenFORLife; education of native plants and pollinators) Native plants/pollinators are those that occur naturally in a certain region, ecosystem or habitat in which they evolved. These plants grow naturally in their environment and have not been cultivated by humans. Native plants are essential to our environment and have many benefits. Native plants support pollinators, reduce erosion, provide food and shelter for wildlife and also do not require fertilizer. Several examples include Goldenrod, Violet, Iris, Verbena and Aster. Plant Native!
Invasive plants are plants that are introduced to the environment and overtake native plants. These plants are usually hard to remove and quickly multiply. They are also harmful to the environment. Japanese Honeysuckle, English Ivy and Kudzu are very harsh to our land and are considered non-native/invasive.
After the factual lecture, Mary Ricks, Projects and Litter Chairman, was very thankful for the spreading of pine straw at JP Camp Roadside Park. A workday was also scheduled for November 9th at Harmon Park.
Ways and Means Chairman, Mildred Mishue, finalized plans for Holiday Goodness and Bazaar at The City of Dillon Wellness Center on November 21.
The Birds Report and Treasurer’s report was stated by Frances Tyler. The flower of the month report was given by Larue Bracey. The Chrysanthemum is the November flower and it represents cheer and love.
New business discussed was Arbor Day 2020 on the first Friday in December. The arrangements are being secured and the agenda is being completed.
The meeting was adjourned. The door prize of a birdhouse garden flag and Christmas tea towel was won by Terri Pittman.
The December meeting will be held at The Peddler Steakhouse on December 1.
The Yellow Jessamine Garden Club is a member of National Garden Clubs, Inc., South Atlantic Region of Garden Clubs, The Garden Club of South Carolina, Inc., and the Coastal District of South Carolina.