Yellow Jessamine Garden Club met on Tuesday, March 2, 2021 at 6:30 p.m., nine members were present.

The meeting was set in motion by President Moody welcoming each member. She thanked the hostess Frances Tyler for the refreshments and Glenda Campbell for being the program leader.
At each place setting, an agenda, newsletter and devotional were placed. The table arrangements were decorated for St. Patrick’s Day with green and gold along with white mints and Andy’s chocolate mints.
The pledge to the flag of The Garden Club of South Carolina was recited and devotional/prayer was stated.
The mission statement was also delivered as the roll call was given with the naming of a harmful plant. Examples were given such as poison ivy, poison oak, oleander, and poinsettia.
The program then began with Glenda Campbell “Penelope Pots” teaching on “Poisonous Plants” and identifying them. The differences were shared in what is actually a “toxic” plant versus a “poisonous” plant. Poisonous plants are fatal to certain organisms that consume them while toxic plants create symptoms that in high levels or gone untreated can lead to death.
Poisonous or toxic plants should be treated with respect. They validate precaution, not fear. To conquer our fear, we should better understand those plants used in our landscapes and homes. By knowing which plants are dangerous and what makes a plant harmful, we can teach our children not to eat them and keep our pets away from them.
We played a game to guess if a plant was “poisonous” or “beneficial”. Here is some of what we found! Elephant ear was the first example given, can be deadly if ingested. Daffodils, while harmful to animals, the most poisonous part are the bulbs and can cause fatal symptoms in animals. Azaleas are toxic in the fact the entire plant can lead to paralysis, coma, and death. Rhubarb is toxic in its leaves and will shut down the kidneys and can prove fatal. Lilies, are toxic in that it consuming its compounds can leave to major symptoms and left untreated can lead to death. Castrol oil, though used in many home remedies, the seed is deadly in the fact it contains one of the most poisonous substances known to man. Hydrangeas are actually found to have cyanide in their beautiful blossoms; however, it takes large amounts to be fatal. Wisteria is a climbing vine and the seed pods are toxic to horses, dogs and cats. Mistletoe is one that is toxic to humans in large doses and can cause slow heartbeat and hallucinations.
Some beneficial plants include, Aloe Vera, which is beneficial and contacts anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties along with being good for burns when applied to skin. Snake plants and Peace Lilies are actually beneficial for purifying the air. Peppermint plants will actually repel mosquitoes, but be careful it will overrun wherever planted.
After the educational program, Membership Committee Chairman, Glenda Campbell, reported no new members to present. Projects and Litter Chairman, Mary Ricks, spoke that she went to J.P. Camp Roadside Park and disposed of the trash and pruned the rose bushes.
She also checked at Harmon Park for its needs. Work days were also set up for mulching, wedding and attending to these two gardens for later in the month. Ways and Means Chairman, Mildred Mishue, had no business at this time. Francis Tyler gave the birds report and encouraged to put out your hummingbird feeders but to not keep them full just yet because hummingbirds are not in full force yet. She also presented the club with the financial report and mentioned dues that had been collected but some still to be turned in. Larue Bracey gave the flower report discussing new spring flowers such as daffodils are starting to bloom and that spring is on the way, she also gave helpful hints about planting bulbs such as bigger bulbs make better plants and planting them 8 inches deep to protect during winter cold.
President Moody discussed the finalized plans for Coastal District Meeting via this year’s ZOOM meeting, rather than face to face due to COVID. She asked for those who would like to attend virtually to let her know so they could be registered.
Nominating committee chairperson, Terri Pittman, presented the names of new proposed officers for 2021. President elect Mildred Mishue, Vice President elect Terri Pittman, Secretary elect Danyell Page, and returning Treasurer Frances Tyler. Member Mary Ricks made the first motion to accept the new officers and Terry Hayes seconded this motion. These new officers will take office in the April meeting.
We are looking forward spring and longer days for exciting new adventures with The Yellow Jessamine Garden Club.
After drawing for the door prize the meeting was adjourned.
The next meeting will be held on April 6, 2021. Cathy McDaniel will be hostess and Calen Outen, owner of Cotton Blossoms Candles and Clemson graduate, will lead the program.
The Yellow Jessamine Garden Club of Dillon is a member of the National Garden Clubs, Inc., South Atlantic Region of Garden Clubs, The Garden Club of South Carolina, Inc., and Coastal District of The Garden Club of South Carolina.

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