VFW South Carolina State Commander Dwight M. Hora and members of his state VFW staff recently visited the Dillon VFW Post Home 6091 and met with its Commander Harry Moore and members of his post home staff. The meeting included a tour of the post home and reports by Dillon VFW officers about the history of the Dillon VFW and the status of current local programs to support veterans and their families, and post home community involvement. Dillon VFW Commander Harry Moore, Post Adjutant Jamie Hamilton, and Post Quartermaster Jim Chavis welcomed the state VFW leaders to the post home and represented the Dillon VFW membership. In the picture, the State Commander (left) presents Dillon VFW member Jamie Hamilton with a new VFW hat and acknowledged him as a ‘young energetic member’ of the VFW. On the right is Commander Harry Moore of Dillon VFW Post 6091. Jamie Hamilton is an Army combat veteran of Afghanistan and recently joined the Dillon VFW. (Contributed by John Harlow)

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