The Dillon County Veteran of the Year Organization recently held its annual banquet and meeting to elect officers for the CY2022. The dinner and meeting were held on October 25th at the Twin Lakes Country Club. The social time started at 6PM and the dinner choices of Prime Rib or Ritz Chicken was served at 6:45PM. Following the meal, Sergeant-at- Arms Harry Moore (VOY 2017) called the Veterans of the Year to attention and reported to VOY Commander Judge James Lockemy (VOY 1999) that all members were present or accounted for. Commander Lockemy then invited the guest to stand and 1st Vice Commander James Leslie (VOY 2011) lead the group in the pledge of allegiance as everyone faced the American flag.
Commander Lockemy gave remarks about the history of Dillon’s Veterans Square and provided timeline information of the evolution from the initial fund raising and development of Veterans Square to the later Memorial Day, Veterans Day, Patriots Day, and other events honoring veterans. Subsequently, the Veteran of the Year Organization was formed to each year recognize a military veteran for his or her contributions to Dillon County citizens and especially service to the Dillon County Veterans Community. In 1993, the first Veteran of the Year was named and two people were recognized. Veteran Benny Covington and his non-veteran wife Lola Covington (VOY 1993). Since 1993, a Veteran of the Year has been named every year except for 2020 due to the pandemic. This year the group will recognize 2 veterans – 2020 & 2021.
Commander Lockemy coordinated a discussion about some by-law changes and then opened the meeting for nominations for new officers for the upcoming year.
He notified the group that due to growing work and personal obligations that he had decided not to accept any nomination for office at this time.
Some members spoke from the floor remarking about his dedicated service as commander for the group since its beginning in 1993.
Nominations were then made from the floor, appropriately seconded, and approved by acclamation as follows:
• Commander James Leslie VOY 2011
• 1st Vice Commander Lloyd Brown VOY 2014
• 2nd Vice Commander John Harlow VOY 2005
• Secretary-Treasurer Terry Morris VOY 2001 (permanent position)
• Sergeant-at-Arms Harry Moore VOY 2018
Following the election of new officers, Commander Lockemy called Commander Leslie forward to the podium to assume his new duties as commander. Commander Leslie thanked everyone present for their past and continued service to the Veterans of Dillon County and congratulated all the newly elected VOY officers.
He announced that the VOY Organization would next meet on November 1st for the purpose of selecting two new VOY members from nomination ballots published in The Dillon Herald and submitted.
All business being completed, Sergeant-at-Arms Harry Moore pounded the gavel and closed the meeting.