BLACK HISTORY PROCLAMATION—The following Dillon County Council members were present and voted to pass a proclamation in recognition of Black History Month. Pictured are Councilwoman Detrice Dawkins, Councilman Gerome “Gee” McLeod, Chairman T.F. “Buzzy” Finklea, Jr., Councilman Stevie Grice, Councilman Jamal Campbell, and Councilman Chris Miller. Not present: Vice-Chairman Harold Moody. (Photo by Betsy Finklea/The Dillon Herald)
The Dillon County Council passed a resolution at their February meeting in recognition of Black History Month. The resolution reads as follows:
A Resolution Proclaiming The Month Of February As Black History Month In Dillon County
WHEREAS, much of the County of Dillon’s honor, strength and stature can be attributed to the diversity of cultures and traditions that are celebrated by the residents of this great County; and
WHEREAS, African Americans have played significant roles in the history of South Carolina’s economic cultural, spiritual and political development while working tirelessly to maintain and promote their culture and history; and
WHEREAS, as a result of their determination, hard work, intelligence and perseverance, African Americans have made valuable and lasting contributions to Dillon County and our State, achieving exceptional success in all aspects of society including business, education, politics, science and the arts; and
WHEREAS, in 1976 Black History Month was formally adopted to honor and affirm the importance of Black History throughout our American experience, which goes back thousands of years and includes some of the greatest, most advanced and innovative societies in our history that we can all draw inspiration from; and
WHEREAS, Black History Month is a time for all Americans to remember the stories and teachings of those who helped build our nation, took a stance against prejudice to build lives of dignity and opportunity advanced the cause of civil rights, and strengthened our families and communities; and
WHEREAS, during Black History Month all Americans are encouraged to reflect on past successes and challenged of African Americans and look to the future to continue to improve society so that we live up to the ideals of freedom, equality and justice.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the County Council of Dillon County, do hereby proclaim the month of February as Black History Month, and that by issuing this proclamation the County Council encourages all residents to join us in honoring the many contributions made by African Americans to Dillon County and the State of South Carolina.