DILLON—American Legion Post 32 and its Auxiliary Unit 32, along with VFW Post 6091, held their annual picnic at the American Legion Post on Saturday, August 12th. The event began at 5PM with BINGO followed by a 6PM summertime picnic meal of BBQ chicken, hot dogs and baked beans, watermelon, and more. The American Legion Auxiliary had the American Legion Hall decorated in the American colors of Red, white, and blue. BINGO prizes were awarded and door prizes were given to many of the 50+ people attending. The picnic was held for American Legion and VFW families as well and members of the community who had an interest in learning more about the work of these Veteran organizations:
The American Legion Mission Statement is, “To enhance the well-being of America’s veterans, their families, our military, and our communities by our devotion to mutual helpfulness”. Its moto is – Veterans Strengthening America.
The mission of the American Legion Auxiliary is, “To support the American Legion and to honor the sacrifice of those who serve by enhancing the lives of our veterans, military, and their families, both at home and abroad”. Its motto is – Service not Self.
The VFW mission statement is, “To foster camaraderie among United States Veterans of overseas conflicts. To serve our veterans, the military, and our communities. To advocate on behalf of all veterans”. Its motto is – No one does more for Veterans.
American Legion District 18 Commander Larry Pouncy and the Post Commander Asa McDuffie, its Auxiliary President Terry Hayes, and VFW Commander John Harlow were on hand to welcome picnickers and talk about American Legion and VFW programs that support Veterans and their families as well as active-duty military members. The American Legion and its Auxiliary meets at 7PM on the first Thursday of the month and the VFW meets at 7PM on the second Thursday of the month. You can learn more about the American Legion at www.scarolinalegion.org and more about the VFW at www.vfwsc.org.