The Yellow Jessamine Garden Club met on October 4, 2022. President Mildred Mishue kicked off the meeting by thanking the host, Ms. Frances Tyler, for having our meeting at her home and Ms. Sheila Berry for being the program leader for the evening.
Ms. Kathy McDaniel led the meeting with a short devotion on how God’s words are powerful and alive and can change lives. After a prayer, our hostess offered a delicious meal and club members enjoyed lively conversation.
Our meeting presentation focused on breast cancer awareness. Breast Cancer Awareness Month, held in October every year, was created in 1985 to promote screening and prevention of the disease, which affects one in eight women in the United States. We learned that breast cancer is the second leading cause of death yearly and is the most common cancer in women, except for skin cancer. We learned that a tumor is a mass of abnormal tissue, and that the tumor can be either benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous). There are also many risk factors that contribute to breast cancer, such as smoking, drinking alcohol, sedentary lifestyle, and poor diet. Metastatic cancer can form when cancer cells of a malignant tumor spread to other parts of the body to form another tumor or multiple tumors. We can all do our parts with regular mammograms, self-examinations, and wellness check-ups.
After the informative meeting, members of the YJGC answered roll call by naming their favorite pink flower in keeping with the color and theme of breast cancer awareness month.
The bird fact of the evening was presented by Ms. Frances Tyler, which boasted that the Carolina Wren’s diet consists mostly of insects, spiders, and small vertebrates (small frogs, lizards, snakes). It also eats seeds, nuts, berries, and other vegetable matter.
Financial reports, as well as other reports were given, old and new business discussed, and the meeting was then adjourned.