Dillon Middle School Band Director Kevin McLellan is recognizing Ms. Ta’Niyah Thompson for her latest achievement of making The All-State Honor Band held at Furman University in Greenville, SC.
This student had to audition out of 8,000 students across the state, but only 300 students were picked among three different bands. One middle school band and two high school bands. Not many get the opportunity to make it to Junior All-State level.
Ms. Thompson was one of two out the entire state of South Carolina to be seated playing contrabass clarinet in the middle school All-State Band. She just started playing the clarinet last year, and Mr. McLellan decided to moved her to the contra this past August.
With her hard work and dedication, it was amazing how fast she has progressed this year. “Students like her are the reason why I truly believe that I teach the best group of kids here in Dillon,” Mr. McLellan said.
She has been part of the Following Honor Band Clinics this past school year:
1. Limestone Honor Band Clinic, Limestone University, Gaffney, SC—Chair placement -1st Chair
2. Eastern District Band held at Hartsville Middle School in Hartsville, SC-Chair placement 2nd Chair
3. Region Band Clinic (Region 5 The Region That Care’s) held at Cane Bay High School, Summerville, SC—Chair placement -st chair
4. All-State Honor Band Clinic held at Furman University, Greenville, SC— Chair placement -2nd Chair.